Community Resources

Need Help?
Discover a wide range of community support services designed to meet your needs. Whether you require legal assistance through the Access to Justice Self-Help Centers, hurricane preparedness resources, free tax filing help via the VITA program, or confidential support through the 2-1-1 Helpline, help is just a call or appointment away.
Book An AppointmentThe Access to Justice Self Help Centers are now open at the Indian River County Courthouse and United Against Poverty. Whether you’re dealing with family law matters, residential evictions, or small claims, we’ve got you covered. Find the forms you need, schedule consultations, form review appointments, and access more information. Hablamos Espanol!
Hurricane Resource Center
Get PreparedEvery year our community faces hurricane season from June 1 through November 30, but planning and preparing can make a big difference. As the County’s official volunteer and fundraising partner, United Way of Indian River County will be here for our community before, during, and after a disaster. We hope we don’t have to face a hurricane or other emergency, but if we do, we need to be ready. Find the local resources you need to help keep you, your family, your home, and your pets safe.
get free tax help
See If You QulifyThe Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers FREE tax services to individuals and families with low to moderate incomes. Let our VITA specialists help you get the refunds you deserve and avoid tax filing fees. This service is provided annually from January – Tax Day.
2-1-1 helpline
Get Help211 is a community helpline and crisis hotline that provides suicide prevention, crisis intervention, information, assessment, and referral to community services for people of all ages.
apply for a grant
Measuring community health and prosperity program supported by Indian River Community Foundation. Indian River Indicators provides key data and information about our community that is updated annually and can be used to support and sustain proven programs. It can also be used by community leaders to develop policy, promote promising practices or inspire innovation that can lead to solutions to persistent community challenges.
References & Case Studies
These resources empower leaders to shape policies, adopt effective practices, and drive innovative solutions to persistent challenges.
meet alice
Learn About AliceALICE, an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, is a new way of defining and understanding the struggles of households that earn above the Federal Poverty Level, but not enough to afford a bare-bones household budget.
community needs assessment
Read The ReportRecent studies were incorporated, and a wide range of subject matter experts provided input. Residents from across the County, representing some of the most economically challenged neighborhoods, explained directly what their needs were by filling out written surveys in English, Spanish, and Creole and by speaking up at focus groups. This Community Needs Assessment report results from that major collective effort.
indian river indicators
Get The DetailsMeasuring community health and prosperity program supported by Indian River Community Foundation. Indian River Indicators provides key data and information about our community that is updated annually and can be used to support and sustain proven programs. It can also be used by community leaders to develop policy, promote promising practices or inspire innovation that can lead to solutions to persistent community challenges.