Campaign Resources

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Workplace Campaign

Your participation in a Workplace Campaign is an easy and effective way to help employees make a difference and show them that their workplace is actively supporting their local community. Employees are making an investment that benefits Indian River County – not just one program, issue, or population. This leads to a stronger, more sustainable place to live, work, and play. These donations achieve results that no one can accomplish individually. 

 United Way of Indian River County makes it easy for donors to make a big impact. When your workplace invests in United Way of Indian River County, you’re investing in your community. Your dollars stay local so that you and your neighbors can thrive. Together, we can bring the resources and expertise to help children, young adults, families, and seniors move towards a brighter future. 

With your support, there’s no limit on what we can accomplish. 

For more information, please contact Sydney Mihailoff at (772) 567-8900. ext. 117 or gro.CRIyaWdetinU@ffoliahiM.yendyS

Make A Pledge

Workplace Campaign Toolkit

As a United Way Campaign Leader, you play an instrumental role in our fight to improve lives and neighborhoods across the county. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your time and talents. 

Thank you for joining our fight to help those in need. Below are a variety of resources, including pledge forms, content and stories, logos, templates, and more to help spread the word about United Way and those it serves, and to make this year’s campaign a great success.


AYS Employee Leasing

Bank of America

Best Buy Store # 816

Boys & Girls Clubs of IRC

Camp Haven, Inc.

Childcare Resources of Indian River

City of Fellsmere

City of Sebastian

City of Vero Beach

Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital

Croom Construction Company

Crossover Mission, Inc.

Dean Mead Minton & Moore

Dillard’s Dept. Stores, Inc.

Drug Abuse Treatment Association

Economic Opportunities Council of IRC

Elliott Merrill Community Mgt.

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Federal Express Corporation

Fellsmere Farms

Florida Floor Fashions

Florida Power and Light Company

George E. Warren Corporation

Gifford Youth Achievement Center

Gould Cooksey Fennell

Hibiscus Children’s Center

Indian River County

IRC Clerk of Circuit Court

IRC Healthy Start Coalition

IRC Property Appraiser’s Office

IRC School District

IRC Sheriff’s Office

IRC Supervisor of Elections Office

Jacoby and Handley, PLLC

Kmetz, Elwell, Graham & Associates, CPA’s

Law Offices of Jennifer Peshke

Literacy Services of IRC

Manpower Group

Mental Health Association

Northern Trust

Nylacarb Corporation

Piper Aircraft, Inc.

PNC Advisors

Proctor Construction Co.

Publix Super Markets

Raymond James & Assocs.

Redlands Christian Migrant Assoc.

Regency Windsor Companies

Riverside Theatre

Rossway Swan Tierney Barry & Oliver, P.L.

Samaritan Center

Schlitt Services

Seacoast Bank

South State Bank

Space Coast Credit Union

Spiezle Architectural Group, Inc.

Substance Awareness Center of IRC


TD Bank

The Arc of Indian River County

The Hill Group

Treasure Coast Community Health

Visiting Nurse Association of the Treasure Coast

Youth Guidance