
Hurricane Resource Center

Stay safe before, during, and after a storm

Man Loading Truck With Hurricane Supplies
Man Loading Truck With Hurricane Supplies

Helpful information to be prepared

The United Way Hurricane Resource Center offers helpful information to create a preparedness plan, as well as what to do during and after a hurricane.

Did you know United Way is the official Indian River County partner for organizing volunteers and donations during a crisis?

United Way leads the Volunteer Reception Center, AKA the check-in point, for any spontaneous community member or group who wants to volunteer in post-disaster recovery. Our team is also responsible for organizing, tracking, consolidating, and distributing all relief effort donations.

Hurricane Preparation 101

We’ve gathered information from trusted sources to help you weather the storm.

  • The Basics Before a Storm

    Create a disaster supply kit

    Business Disaster Planning

    Florida Power & Light – Storm Safety Tips

    AT&T – Report an Issue

    National Flood Insurance – (800) 427-4661

    Evacuation Planning

    Remember the four steps: Gather. Record. Prepare. Protect.

    1. Gather important documents, such as insurance policies, birth certificates, deeds, and utility bills and store them in waterproof containers. Also gather any important mementos, such as family photos and keepsakes. Write down any important numbers in case you lose power.
    2. Record evidence of your home. Take photos of the inside and outside, including walls, floors, close-ups of appliances and other high-end items. Email photos to yourself for backup.
    3. Prepare your home if you have time. Secure outdoor objects or move them inside, protect windows and use sandbags in doorways.
    4. Protect yourself. This is the most important step. Keep cash, your photo ID and any medications with you. Follow evacuation orders — they are made to keep you safe. If you choose to stay, remember to store enough food, water and pet supplies with you. Store extra batteries, a battery-operated radio and gasoline.
  • Get Help After a Hurricane

  • Local Emergency Contacts

    EMERGENCY: Law Enforcement/Fire/Ambulance: DIAL 9-1-1

    Emergency Services Public Information Line: (Activated during disasters) (772) 226-3927

    Poison Control: (800) 222-1222

    Indian River County Department of Emergency Services: (772) 226-3900

    City of Vero Beach: (772) 978-5151

    City of Fellsmere: (772) 571-1616

    City of Sebastian: (772) 581-0111

    Florida Division of Emergency Management: (850) 815-4000

    Department of Financial Services Claim Hotline: (877) 693-5236

    Indian River County Utilities: (772) 770-5300


    Florida City Gas


    Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital: (772) 567-4311

    Sebastian River Medical Center: (772) 589-3186

  • Shelters

    **Special Needs Shelter**


    **Pet-Friendly Shelter**


    *Reminder* Shelters do not open at the same time, and some may not open at all. Stay tuned to media reports for current information.


    South County Shelters:

    • Indian River Academy: 500 20th Street SW, Vero Beach, FL 32962
    • Oslo Middle School: 480 20th Avenue SW, Vero Beach, FL 32962
    • Osceola Magnet School: 1110 18th Avenue SW, Vero Beach, FL 32962


    Central County Shelters

    • Gifford Middle School: 4530 28th Court, Gifford, FL 32960
    • Glendale Elementary School: 4940 8th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960
    • Vero Beach High School Freshman Learning Center: 1507 19th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960
    • Vero Beach Elementary School: 1770 12th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960


    North County Shelters

    • Fellsmere Elementary School: 50 North Cypress Street, Fellsmere, FL 32948
    • Pelican Island Elementary School: 1355 Schumann Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958
    • Sebastian Elementary School: 400 County Road 512, Sebastian, FL 32958
    • Sebastian River Middle School: 9400 County Road 512, Sebastian, FL 32958
    • Sebastian River High School: 9001 90th Avenue, Sebastian, FL 32958
    • Storm Grove Middle School: 6400 57th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32967
  • Federal & State Assistance

    American Red Cross: (772) 562-2549

    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): (800) 621-3362

    Florida Department of Elder Affairs: (800) 963-5337

    Florida Division of Insurance Fraud: (850) 413-3115

    Florida Department of Financial Services: (877) 693-5236

    Florida Division of Emergency Management: (850) 413-9969

    Florida Division of Emergency Declared Disaster: (800) 342-3557

  • Business Communications Management

    INTERNAL: Preparation and training are key to executing your internal emergency communications plan. Your management and human resources teams should work together to ensure that employees have access to the following items so that when a hurricane approaches, your staff can focus on other efforts.

    • Up-to-date employee emergency contact list
    • Call tree and instructions – a structured way for you to account for every employee after a hurricane
    • Links on your organization’s intranet to your employee contact lists, emergency preparedness and recovery responsibilities, etc.


    EXTERNAL: When a hurricane threatens our area, if you have standard mass communications in place that you can share with your clients, not only will your last-minute preparations be easier to manage, but your clients will also appreciate your taking the time to inform them of your intentions. Consider the following:

    • Mass email to clients
    • Temporary banner or headline on your website’s home page
    • Temporary phone greeting
    • Informational signage at your office or business entry points (particularly important if you receive regular deliveries or have walk-in clients)
  • Find Support & Helplines

    If you or a loved one is having a difficult time coping with recent disasters emotionally or mentally, the Disaster Distress Hotline is available 24/7 and in many languages.

    • Individuals can call the helpline at 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746.
    • Si habla español, puede acceder a la línea de ayuda llamando al mismo número o enviando un mensaje de texto con Hablanos al 66746. Esta línea de ayuda cuenta con consejeros de crisis capacitados.
  • Additional Resources

  • hurricane catagories

    • Tropical Depression: Winds up to 39 mph
    • Tropical Storm: 39 to 73 mph winds
    • Category I: 74 to 95 mph winds
    • Category II: 96 to 110 mph winds
    • Category III: 111 to 130 mph winds
    • Category IV: 131 to 155 mph winds
    • Category V: Winds 156 mph or greater
  • know the hazards

    Wind – A hurricane is a tropical storm with constant winds greater than 73 miles per hour. Hurricanes can also spawn tornadoes, which add to their potential for destruction.

    Rain – Because of the tropical nature of hurricanes, they contain rain which can, at time, be torrential and cause floods and flash floods.

  • know the lingo

    Hurricane Watch – Hurricane conditions are possible within 48 hours. Your preparations should be underway.

    Hurricane Warning – Hurricane conditions are expected within 36 hours. Your preparations should be rushed to completion.

    Storm Surge – An abnormal rise of water generated by a storm. Nine out of 10 hurricane fatalities are attributable to storm surges often causing extreme flooding in coastal areas.

    Storm Surge Watch – The possibility of life-threatening inundation from rising water moving inland from the shoreline somewhere within a specified area, generally within 48 hours.

    Storm Surge Warning – The possibility of life-threatening inundation from rising water moving inland from the shoreline somewhere within a specified area, generally within 36 hours. 

after a hurricane

We specialize in bringing people together to reach out in the event of a disaster, whether through donations of money, time or goods.

information will update continually when a named storm has a chance of impact. please check back frequently.

Although every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, United Way of Indian River County makes no guarantees, expressed or implied for any error or omissions of the resources contained on the Hurricane Resource Center web pages. 

If you are experiencing an urgent mental or medical emergency, please call 9-1-1.