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Disaster response

Connecting volunteers to individuals need.

Disaster Volunteers
Disaster Volunteers


United Way of Indian River County in conjunction with the Indian River County Emergency Management Division will be the liaison in connecting volunteers to individuals needing assistance with hurricane clean-up in Indian River County. The VRC is set up and staffed to intake and match volunteer skills with unmet needs in the community in the event of a disaster. 

1-Day certification training

In order to plan ahead, VRC volunteers are encouraged to attend our 1-day certification training provided by Volunteer Florida.

United Way Center
July Date & Time TBD
Registration will open soon

Reception Center Roles Include:

  • Registration
  • Volunteer Intake & Interviewing
  • Data Collection & Entry
  • Safety Training
  • Runners
  • Greeters
  • Phone Bank

There is a role for anyone who would like to become certified and assist at the Volunteer Reception Center in times of emergency.


  • A request from the Emergency Operations Center may be for volunteers to help victims of a disaster in need of blue tarps and installation on damaged roofs
  • Salvation Army may need volunteers to help in their mass-feeding kitchens following a disaster
  • The American Red Cross may need volunteers to case-manage victims of a hurricane and direct them to temporary assistance
  • An elderly person may need volunteers to help clear debris from their yard or flood-soaked carpet removed from their home
  • Home-bound victims may need water or food delivered by volunteers
  • and many, many more opportunities.


Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteer or SUV is a person that has not received formal disaster response training from any state organization or any Agency active in a disaster.

Reception Center Roles Include:

The VRC serves to coordinate spontaneous, unaffiliated volunteers to help support the relief effort of ESF#15 (volunteers and donations) under the direction of IRC Emergency Management. Spontaneous volunteers will be assigned duties as needed by the VRC volunteer staff. A spontaneous, unaffiliated volunteer or SUV is a person that has not received current, formal disaster response training from a state organization or agency active in disaster.

  • Volunteers must be 18 years or older
  • No special skills necessary
  • Is Outdoors
    (Inclement Weather Plan: Indoors in inclement weather)
  • Is Wheelchair Accessible
  • Wear shoes not sandals, bring sunscreen, bottled water