
Community Investment Partners

United by mission. Driven by impact.

Volunteers Handing Out Food
Volunteers Handing Out Food

We fund and provide oversight for a number of local agencies that fight for a better Indian River County.

United Way mobilizes communities to action so all can thrive. True to our founding spirit, whenever there is a need in our communities, United Way is there. We bring a comprehensive approach to every challenge, actively listening and responding to local needs.

  • Healthcare Worker With Mature Woman


    We granted $615,960 in funding to improve the health and well-being of everyone in our community.

  • Young Child In Classroom


    We invested $559,945 to ensure access to high-quality education and essential literacy skills, helping everyone reach their full potential.

  • Job Traing In Workshop

    Financial Stability

    We allocated $410,526 in funding to build a stronger financial future for all generations through accessible resources and support.

  • Happy Children Playing

    Total Funding

    With $1,586,431 in total funding, we’re creating a future where everyone in Indian River County has the opportunity to thrive.

  • Men In Homeless Center

    Partner Agencies

    Every day, 34 partner agencies prove that when people unite to take action, meaningful change is possible.

  • Man Handing A Meal To Someone In Need

    Funded Programs

    Through 48 funded programs, we collaborate with our neighbors to build resilience and strengthen Indian River County.

PartnerProgramImpact Area
Alzheimer & Parkinson Association of Indian River County Respite: Caring for the CaregiverHEALTH
American Red Cross, South FloridaHome Fire Prevention & Emergency AssistanceFINANCIAL
Big Brothers, Big Sisters of St. Lucie, Indian River and Okeechobee CountiesCommunity Based MentoringEDUCATION
Big Brothers, Big Sisters of St. Lucie, Indian River and Okeechobee CountiesPassport to Early Learning EDUCATION
Boys & Girls Clubs of IRCProject LearnEDUCATION
Camp HavenPathways to Financial Stability FINANCIAL
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm BeachSamaritan Center for Homeless FamiliesFINANCIAL
Childcare Resources of Indian RiverSubsidized High Quality ChildcareEDUCATION
Childcare Resources of Indian RiverWellness & Early Intervention ProgramHEALTH
Children’s Home Society of FloridaDodgertown Elementary Community Partnership SchoolEDUCATION
Crossover MissionAccelerate My Potential (AMP) ProgramEDUCATION
Crossover MissionTranscendence Academy EDUCATION
Crossover MissionHealthy Kids ProgramFINANCIAL
Drug Abuse Treatment AssociationNorman C. Hayslip Treatment Center, Fort PierceHEALTH
Drug Abuse Treatment AssociationOutpatient ProgramHEALTH
Early Learning Coalition IRMOVPK Completers ProgramEDUCATION
Gifford Youth Achievement CenterAfter School Education Program (ASEP)EDUCATION
Indian River Habitat for HumanityCritical Home Repair ProgramFINANCIAL
Hibiscus Children’s CenterCareer Pathways to Independence ProgramEDUCATION
Indian River County Healthy Start CoalitionHealthy FamiliesEDUCATION
Indian River County Healthy Start CoalitionParents As TeachersEDUCATION
Indian River County Healthy Start CoalitionBabies and BeyondHEALTH
Indian River County Healthy Start CoalitionNurse Family PartnershipHEALTH
Literacy Services of IRCAdult & Family LiteracyFINANCIAL
Mental Health Association in Indian River CountyWalk-In & Counseling CenterHEALTH
Mental Health Collaborative of Indian River CountyMcCabe Connections CenterHEALTH
Pelican Island Audubon SocietyAudubon Advocates-After School Lagoon Science ProgramEDUCATION
Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA)Enhancing Early Learning and Family Support ServicesEDUCATION
SafeSpaceSafeSpace Domestic Violence ServicesFINANCIAL
Senior Resource AssociationDayAway ProgramHEALTH
Senior Resource AssociationMeals on Wheels/Emergency Meals on WheelsHEALTH
Senior Resource AssociationSenior Navigation ProgramFINANCIAL
Thrive (formally Substance Awareness Center of Indian River County)Prevention Works!HEALTH
Thrive (formally Substance Awareness Center of Indian River County)Recovery Works!HEALTH
The ARC of Indian River CountySupported Employment ProgramFINANCIAL
The ARC of Indian River CountyBehavior Analysis ProgramHEALTH
The Hope for Families CenterHelping Homeless Families Achieve SuccessFINANCIAL
The Learning Alliance Moonshot Families Early Learning ProgramsEDUCATION
The Learning AllianceThe Learning Alliance Summer ProgramsEDUCATION
The Salvation Army – Vero Beach CorpHomelessness Prevention and Social Services ProgramFINANCIAL
Treasure Coast Community HealthDental ServicesHEALTH
Treasure Coast Food BankMobile PantryHEALTH
Treasure Coast Homeless Services CouncilHomeless Resource CenterFINANCIAL
United Against PovertySuccess Tranining for Employment Program (STEP)FINANCIAL
Veterans Council of Indian River CountyVeterans Case Management and Direct AidFINANCIAL
Visiting Nurse Association of the Treasure Coast Telehealth: Chronic Disease Management ProgramHEALTH
Youth GuidanceThe Mentoring Academy EDUCATION
Youth GuidancePre-Apprenticeship ProgramFINANCIAL