

ALICE is one emergency, car repair, or doctor visit away from poverty.

Woman And Child In A Market
Woman And Child In A Market

WHO is alice?

Our neighbors, men and women of all ages and races who go to work every day but still don’t earn enough to pay for basic necessities such as groceries, rent, transportation, childcare and health care.

Florida Research Center

One Emergency Away

We have a tool which offers key insights into how work, housing, and resources in our community impact opportunities for ALICE to reach financial stability.

Economic Viability Dashboard

what does alice stand for?

Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed

The latest ALICE report, released on May 22, 2024 showed that:

  • of the 72,199 households in Indian River County, 44% struggle to pay for basic needs.
  • Statewide, 46% of households face the same financial challenges
  • The percentage of Indian River County households living below the poverty level has been slightly increasing: 10% in 2014 and 12% in 2024.
  • The annual household survival budget for a one-person household is $29,436 or $2,453 monthly. This is the bare minimum that is needed for a household to live and work, based on the latest ALICE report. For a family of two adults and two young children, the annual survival budget soars to $85,500 or $7,125 monthly.


ALICE households

31,767 households in Indian River County struggle to pay for basic needs


Poverty level

Indian River County households living below the poverty level in 2024


Monthly Income

$29,436 is the annual household survival budget for a one-person household

accountability & financials

When you give to United Way, your dollars are going to effective programs that improve health, education, and financial stability in Indian River County.

United way of Indian River County would not be a successful agent for change without the trust and confidence of its donors and volunteers. To continue to earn that trust, we have established comprehensive accountability guidelines that are regularly viewed by our Board of Directors and Finance Committee. As part of our efforts to be both accountable and transparent in our operations, our annual audit and IRS Form 990 are available.

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